See What Happens When Your Plant Your Family Tree At OneGreatFamily?
What do we mean by "plant your family tree at OneGreatFamily?" When you become a subscriber and then put the information you have on your family tree into OneGreatFamily, it is like planting a sapling in fertile ground. It can grow and grow, all on its own, because OneGreatFamily is a single, unified, global family tree. When ANYONE works on OneGreatFamily, they are also working on your tree and when you work on your tree you are collaborating with others.
As OneGreatFamily members add to the global family tree, the system searches to see if any of the names submitted could be your ancestors. It never stops searching-if we find some of your ancestors today, we may find more in a week, a month, or a year. Just think; while you're concentrating on a maternal line, OneGreatFamily may identify a breakthrough on your paternal side! Your next step forward could come when you are sleeping, making dinner or - enjoying an evening out with friends - all thanks to the efforts of tens of thousands of OneGreatFamily members.
A subscriber named Diane had this very experience. She wrote us the following:
I entered a new ancestor on August 6. I checked my tree…the next day. It had grown from this 1 new ancestor (which was generation # 17 and a total of 126 ancestors) to generation 118 and 1443 ancestors!!!
I am so boggled, I don't know where to start! Just looking at all the names, the unbelievable antiquity, the history, and the famous people -- it is incredible and so exciting. I never dreamed it would work like this.
Thank you so much for your wonderful program and site. It has brought so much pleasure to my family and myself. Much more researching to go on other family lines! Happy researching!
Kind Regards,
Isn't it time you planted your family tree at OneGreatFamily?